Surgery & Medicine Free Solution

VERSOWAVE™ Therapy is an innovative solutionthat can prompt a betterstronger, and more satisfying erection.VERSOWAVE™ Therapy works by focusing wave energyon your penis without any pain. This stimulates growth factors which help to make fresh blood vessels that bring more blood stream to your erection prompting enduring outcomes.Assuming that you are having early indications of starting or keeping your erection or on the other hand if you are taking any prescriptions for your erectile dysfunction, VERSOWAVE™ Therapymight be for you.

VERSOWAVE™ Therapy is a straightforward in-office technique and it doesn’t need a medical procedure or medicine.It is a protected natural way to restore your erections.

Frequently Asked VERSOWAVE™ Therapy Questions

What Makes VERSOWAVE™ Treatment Suppliers Unique?

It is important to investigate who is performing your therapy. Not all physicians specialize or understand how to treat erectile dysfunction.

VERSOWAVE™ Therapy providers are all physicians that are Urologists or have specialized training in Sexual Medicine. This means that all of our providers have an extensive background in treating erectile dysfunction. This is important because ED can also be caused by other problems that may need to be investigated or addressed.

Also all of our VERSOWAVE™ Therapy providers undergo specific training and testing.

Is VERSOWAVE™ Treatment FDA Endorsed?

VERSOWAVE™ Therapy is considered an “off label” use for erectile dysfunction.

Is VERSOWAVE™ Treatment For Everybody?

VERSOWAVE™ Therapy is a great solution for men that are interested in firmer and more sensitive erections. It works best on men that have vasculogenic erectile dysfunction meaning a problem with blood flow to the penis.* This means that these men are more likely to have ED caused by older age, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart problems, high cholesterol, and smoking. It also helps men that are on oral medications and those that their oral therapy no longer work.*

VERSOWAVE™ Therapy may not work for everyone and results will vary.

*Individual results may vary

*Individual results may vary

The Advantages of VERSOWAVE™ Treatment

All VERSOWAVE™ medicines are regulated by a urologist. Under theirexpert careyou’ll experience a solutionwith many advantages over customary ED treatments:

The Advantages of VERSOWAVE™ Treatment

All VERSOWAVE™ medicines are regulated by a urologist. Under their expert care you’ll experience a solution with many advantages over customary ED treatments:

Treatments without any pain*

Unlike some customary low-intensity wave treatments, the acoustic VERSOWAVE™ Therapy is painless.*

In-office methods last under thirty minutes*

Your doctor gives VERSOWAVE™ Therapy treatments directly in the solace of their office.

Reestablishes your capacity to accomplish regular erections*

VERSOWAVE™ Therapy stimulates growth factorsthat assist to make fresh blood vessels that bring more bloodstream to your erection resulting in enduring outcomes.

No drugs

Numerous patients experience results from VERSOWAVE™ Therapy and can stop current doctor prescribed meds.

No medical procedure

The low-intensity acoustic waves utilized in VERSOWAVE™ Therapy requires no obtrusive surgeries.

No downtime*

The short, painless, in-office methodology empowers you tofit VERSOWAVE™ into your busytimetable without expecting toplan for downtime after treatments.

*Results may vary


"I was skeptical about the VERSOWAVE™ Therapy prior to getting treated. I am a firm believer now. I wake up with erections and I am able to have sex again without using pills."

W.M. from Manhattan, NY

"I could not be happier with my treatment."

M.W. from Westchester. PA

"Having erection problems at such a young age was a problem for me. My wife was supportive but I felt inadequate. After the wave therapy I was able to get my erections back without the use of medications."

S.T. from Williamsburg, NY

*Results may vary

This web site is a repository of publicly available information, and is not intended to form a physician-patient relationship with any individual. Individual urologic conditions, treatment, results and recovery times may vary. The information presented on this web site is not intended to take the place of your personal physician’s advice and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Discuss this information with your own physician or healthcare provider to determine what is right for you. The information contained herein is presented in summary form only and intended to provide broad consumer understanding and knowledge. Each patient’s experience with procedures described herein will differ.

The use of low-intensity shockwave therapy or VERSOWAVE™ Therapy, pharmaceutical, mechanical, or herbal nutrients is not FDA approved to cure, combat, prevent, or reverse erectile dysfunction. This website and the information featured, showcased, or otherwise appearing on it is not to be used as a substitue for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Those that visit this website should not rely on information featured, showcased, or otherwise appearing on it to be used as a substitue for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment of any health condition or problem. VERSOWAVE™ makes no guarantees, warranties or express or implied representation of curing erectile dysfunction or with regard to the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, comparative or controversial nature of usefulness of any information contained or referenced on this website. Health-related information and opinions change frequently and therefore information contained on this website may be outdated, incomplete, or incorrect.

The opinions expressed in patient testimonials are by patients only; they are not qualified medical professionals. Results may vary. These opinions should not be relied upon as, or in place of, the medical advice of a licensed doctor or other health care provider.

All statements made about products, drugs, and treatments on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. In addition any testimonials appearing on this website are based on the experiences of a few people and individual results will vary. Use of this website does not create an expressed or implied professional relationship.

VERSOWAVE™ Therapy and its corporation Regenetive Erectile dysfunction centers of America can not be liable for any complications from therapy. The treatments are all off label and any complications are the responsibility of each individual provider or group of providers.